
Beginning of our collaboration

Discovery meeting

Schedule a call with our experts to discuss your project in detail. With deep understanding of your project vision, we will advise you on the next steps, explore your development needs, and if you are ready, proceed further, based on the information you provide us.

Project Proposal

Once we’ve clarified your requirements, we will prepare a comprehensive Project Proposal and provide you with an initial cost estimation. This will give you a clear understanding of the scope and timeline of the software development and other services if needed.


We're excited to join forces and work together. Before we dive into the work, we need to make sure that everything is in order. We'll prepare an agreement that covers important legal precautions and conditions, including non-disclosure of information (NDA).


Our skilled team of software developers, product designers, quality assurance specialists and project leaders, is ready to get involved in your project or smoothly join your existing team.


Technologies that we use

Feel free to ask about any technology of your interest that may not be mentioned below, as these are only the main ones we focus on.

C-Sharp icon
TypeScript icon
Python programming language icon
dot NET icon
NodeJS icon
FastAPI icon
Django programming language name
Nest icon
PostgreSQL icon – an illustrated elephant head
MongoDB logo
Amazon Web Services (AWS) icon
Azure icon
Google Cloud Platform icon

Join forces with us!

Let's discuss your case, and we’ll define your next steps together.